20 Foods I Keep in MY SECRET PREPPER PANTRY (Food Storage 101)

20 Foods I Keep in MY SECRET PREPPER PANTRY (Food Storage 101)

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We have seen some BIG challenges in our world this year so in today’s video I’m going to take you on tour of the food storage system and organization I've been working on for my family. I’ll be sharing my best tips and tricks when it comes food storage as well as 20 food items I like to stock up on and why.

The best salt - https://redmond.life/realsalt/
Looking for #10 cans- https://providentliving.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/home-storage-centers?lang=eng
Dry canning video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jIhyJGNoZw
Pantry organization video - https://youtu.be/qiaNI8Kui4c
Amazon prep list - https://www.amazon.com/shop/thefamilyfudge?listId=2KBYOYRXL2ME1&ref=idea_share_inf
Can Racks - https://www.thrivelife.com/other/shelving.html

Warning! Challenging Times are Ahead - Stock Up!
#emergencypreparedness #emergencyfoodsupply #emergencyfood
To find the many items we use in our videos visit https://www.amazon.com/shop/thefamilyfudge

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