All In One Long Term Food Storage Kits

All In One Long Term Food Storage Kits

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All In One Long Term Food Storage Kits
Wallaby Goods sent me some mylar food storage kits that make prepping food more user friendly. If you're looking for all in one mylar kits, these are it!

As I said in the video, Wallaby Goods sent me these kits to try out for long term food storage prepping. And after using them, I decided to share them with the community as they are affordable, high quality and came with everything you need in order to store food properly in mylar bags. Even if you didn't have a way to heat seal the bags, they at least have a zipper lock system that can do the job as well. In the kits you get; mylar storage bags, oxygen absorbers and labels.

Check out Wallaby Goods here:
5 Gallon Bundle:
MRE Bundle:

These links help support the channel and the prices stated in the video appear to be a sale price that was shown on 10/6/2022. (5 Gallon Bundle for $29.99, MRE Bundle for $9.99)

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