20 Prepping Items You SHOULD Be Buying Before NEXT MONTH!

20 Prepping Items You SHOULD Be Buying Before NEXT MONTH!

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Welcome back, fellow preppers! In today's video, we have an essential list of 20 prepping items you should be purchasing before next month. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting your journey, these items are crucial for your preparedness arsenal.

The shortage of goods is impacting U.S. markets, causing empty shelves and higher prices for consumers due to imbalances in supply and demand. Common summer items like ice cream, whiskey, hamburgers, craft beer, and Pepsi may face shortages in the coming months. The shortage of key ingredients and packaging materials is affecting ice cream production, while extreme weather patterns have harmed malt crops used in whiskey production. There is also a shortage of locally grown vegetables, beef, LED bulbs, over-the-counter medications, canned fish, quinoa, tea, canned stews, frozen goods, paper supplies, cleaning items, pet food, rice, canola oil, and baking powder. It's important to stock up on essential items before they become scarce, as challenges in the supply chain are expected to persist. Stay vigilant while shopping and replenish your supplies to avoid potential shortages.

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