57:02Survival SkillsTemporary bridge construction process: Preparing to build a solid concrete dam to store water14 March, 202573,534
48:18Survival SkillsRestoration and renovation of wastewater drainage system, Forest life skills DT27 February, 202528,504
39:43Survival SkillsTrack leopards, build shelters and trap leopards and primitive survival, survival skills15 February, 2025504
48:23Survival SkillsWith skillful hands, DAU - TU - Phin have built a unique vegetable garden ready for the Spring crop11 February, 202586,358
56:17Survival SkillsThe process of building an environmentally friendly incinerator. Forest Life skills17 January, 202585,355
41:02Survival Skills3 days of survival alone in the forest, building a shelter, and skills to trap wild boars11 January, 20252,315
1:41Survival Skills20 days to quickly complete the farm before CHRISTMAS. Harmony close to nature16 December, 202489,687
53:45Survival SkillsHappy moments; Journey Kind neighbors came to help DT complete the fish pond after 5 working days26 November, 202496,643
37:14Survival SkillsDay 2 journey to renovate the fish pond. PHIN & DAU, TU with talented hands - Forest life skills DT25 November, 202487,634
47:32Survival Skillsbuild a warm shelter, to survive the winter, survival alone24 November, 202411,321
44:19Survival SkillsNeighborhood love : DAU & TU and PHIN join hands to help Ms. COI build a small yard14 November, 202451,605
49:35Survival SkillsFace ferocious leopards, build a cozy winter shelter and cook, survival skills / phượng pú11 November, 20243,367
52:17Survival SkillsBuild pillars to prepare for raising and moving wooden CAIBIN. Restore warehouse damaged by storm2 November, 202437,161
1:7:17Survival SkillsThe process of completing 100% of the solid brick pig pen. Preparing to raise pigs for sale22 October, 202485,329
1:2:06Survival SkillsConstruction progress of solid livestock barn. Together we install safe roofing19 October, 202479,811
1:10:55Survival SkillsOn the third day, PHIN enthusiastically helped DAU set up the barn before TU's maternity leave.17 October, 202480,039
43:38Survival SkillsProgress chart Building a large pig farm with the help of Phin. Warm meals together in early winter14 October, 202432,954
43:24Survival SkillsDAU & TU with the help of PHIN quickly built solid pig pen before the harsh winter comes13 October, 202487,948
59:07Survival SkillsThe process of building a solid pig pen together. Preparing everything well before the baby is born10 October, 202481,613
40:03Survival SkillsDiary of building a future. Together we transport materials to restore the degraded pig farm.8 October, 202478,075
50:45Survival SkillsThe unexpected help of PHIN and the mechanic. Weaving iron, pouring concrete to complete the bridge3 October, 2024104,009
44:18Survival SkillsThe process of demolishing the old bridge that was degraded by storms to build a new, sturdy bridge26 September, 202484,596
48:32Survival SkillsBuy lots of mini KOI fish to raise. Fix the fish tank. Life is so happy in the forest together28 August, 202495,038
46:45Survival SkillsDay 5 of building a new CABIN together. Install a sturdy wooden frame, beautiful to every centimeter17 August, 202446,196
58:05Survival SkillsDay 2 of major farm renovation. Install wooden floors for new CABIN. Enjoy traditional cakes12 August, 2024101,819
57:48Survival SkillsBeautiful day to start building another wooden CABIN together - Constructing a solid foundation10 August, 2024101,164
2:50:25Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO; jungle survival, jungle chicken trap, giant fish catch, survival skills1 August, 2024210,889
53:13Survival SkillsJourney of Installing Solar Lighting System on Farm: Building a Green Farm Together30 July, 202495,730
36:45Survival SkillsWild boars are trapped continuously. Wild boar trapping skills. Survival instinct29 July, 20246,731
42:55Survival SkillsThe journey to help a new neighbor build a house in the mountains and forests. Forest Life23 July, 202432,104
42:47Survival SkillsCrocodile surprise attack, skills, trap making, cooking, survival alone16 July, 202412,939
38:40Survival SkillsComplete renovation of water tank. Together, we harvest fish from the pond to sell16 July, 2024103,900
51:31Survival SkillsRestoring and rebuilding clean water tanks. Daily life in the forest of DAU & TU10 July, 202498,687
40:21Survival SkillsHarvest chicken eggs and sell them at the market. Make a cooling bath for the Ducks1 July, 202479,005
41:42Survival SkillsThe villagers came to help DAU & TU complete the entire solid road. Coping with stormy season27 June, 202496,644
57:18Survival SkillsThe process of repairing and upgrading the road from the farm to the village19 June, 2024130,055
27:56Survival SkillsA new herd of wild boars is constantly being born. Nesting, care - Forest life skills DT16 June, 202498,603
34:27Survival SkillsHarvest ripe pineapples to sell. Make pickled bamboo shoots and chili enough to eat for 3 months.13 June, 202497,918
40:44Survival SkillsRestore the house for the laying hens. Make sponge cake from chicken eggs and enjoy.7 June, 202421,295
41:57Survival SkillsTogether Harvesting peanuts after 6 months of care. Sold out within 1 hour - Forest life skills6 June, 2024110,101
39:17Survival SkillsMake more nests for the hens to lay eggs. Villagers came to help DAU & TU move the warehouse2 June, 202496,678
26:05Survival Skillsskills, catching stream fish, smoking fish meat making process, survival alone29 May, 202413,082
24:14Survival SkillsThe process of making melon and squash under the stream. Promise a bumper season26 May, 202483,950
32:38Survival SkillsSTART To FINISH. Together, we completed the second wooden bridge to cope with the flood21 May, 202441,082
33:34Survival SkillsThe process of building the second wooden bridge. Ensuring safety before the rainy season19 May, 202450,470
28:42Survival SkillsJourney Together we harvest canarium fruit to sell. Life building diary - Forest life skills18 May, 202417,167
33:06Survival SkillsAnother batch of piglets was born. Harvesting plums, fishing in the pond and a happy meal15 May, 202498,831
29:55Survival Skillsturkey tracks, make wire traps to trap turkeys, survival skills, survival alone15 May, 202422,769
31:47Survival SkillsDismantling the old rotten wooden bridge. Build bridge abutments, prepare to build a big bridge14 May, 202434,176
32:04Survival SkillsThe Process of Building a Clean Water Tank for Pigs: Start raining, Clear the grass on the farm4 May, 20246,276
57:18Survival SkillsSurvival shelter building skills, solo camping, wild forest beauty1 May, 20245,837
34:21Survival SkillsConstruction of a new clean, solid and spacious road. Renovating the face of farms in 202417 April, 202454,422
42:29Survival SkillsLife building diary : Drying and preserving salted fish. Another flock of newly hatched chicks15 April, 202415,002
29:45Survival SkillsJourney to stabilize life: Together Build a fence for the duck raising area. Plant taro7 April, 202461,861
22:38Survival SkillsConstruction progress of the solid wooden bridge on day 3 - Bridge pillars, wooden bridge deck24 March, 2024112,187
36:16Survival SkillsConstruction progress of a solid bridge before the rainy season - Concrete paving and road upgrading21 March, 202464,133
45:19Survival SkillsConstruction of a solid bridge begins before the rainy season - Bridge foundation construction15 March, 2024122,177
50:19Survival SkillsCompleted 100% clean new kitchen floor:With the cooperation of DAU & TU The farm innovates every day12 March, 202483,246
19:43Survival SkillsReclamation, cutting grass, building dams to prevent water. Expand farming and farm development2 March, 20249,321
31:46Survival SkillsTogether build a duck farm. Sewing clothes. New life in the rainforest26 February, 202422,615
51:18Survival SkillsBuild a warehouse to store tractors. Journey Go up the mountain to visit NHAT and family21 February, 202445,546
31:15Survival SkillsHarvest all cassava to grow bananas. Promises a bumper crop. Building a life in the forest19 February, 202415,716
1:31:32Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: wild boar attacks people, survive alone, skills, boar traps, survival instincts14 February, 20241,779,825
34:04Survival SkillsTogether Dig and harvest bamboo shoots to sell - Build a beautiful new life in 20248 February, 202438,732
2:50:25Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO; jungle survival, jungle chicken trap, giant fish catch, survival skills3 February, 2024202,196
2:49:43Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: Survival skills, boar traps, catching stream fish, building a barn, surviving alone7 January, 2024160,917
2:23:25Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: Survival, skills, detecting tigers attacking people, boar trap skills2 January, 2024902,029
27:36Survival SkillsSkills, survival, wild chicken hunting skills, building stone shelters, Survival skills22 December, 2023393
34:55Survival SkillsHarvesting vegetable leaves for pigs to eat. Make refrigerator shelves. Discover pure water sources6 December, 2023130,498
23:24Survival SkillsTogether design and build a solid brick farm entrance gate. Farm innovation journey 202329 November, 202389,559
23:52Survival SkillsA warm, happy meal with the KONG family. Carp harvesting. Repair leaking dam28 November, 2023146,144
33:51Survival SkillsTogether Complete beautiful garage floor - Dream farm | Forest life skills DT24 November, 202399,211
35:22Survival SkillsProgress of toilet construction. Harvest fish and cook fish after a tiring day of work20 October, 2023100,756
44:50Survival SkillsBuild solid, clean toilets in 2023 - A happy Labor Day from DAU and TU | Forest life skills DT15 October, 202392,286
39:13Survival SkillsDAU and TU were very happy to receive the precious gift - Plant more flowers, beautify the farm1 October, 202348,565
51:17Survival SkillsFinish the porch floor clean and airy - Cook nutritious wild chicken meat for your wife25 September, 202345,580
1:54:07Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: 100 days elephant monster. attack, survive alone, skills, tiger traps, survival instinct17 September, 202318,612
35:59Survival SkillsBuild a small yard - Plan together to renovate a rich and beautiful farm in 202313 September, 202351,902
33:03Survival SkillsDetect porcupine footprints, porcupine trap skills, build a bamboo hideout, and survive alone10 September, 202315,006
30:07Survival SkillsBuild and upgrade the only road from farm to village | Forest Life Skills DT7 September, 202349,072
28:52Survival SkillsCatch fish, chicken, prepare for honeymoon in the deep forest | Forest life skills DT4 September, 202372,367
2:19:59Survival SkillsThe 60-day process of harvesting forest products, building a new residence and life in the forest31 August, 20237,585
35:22Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, catching stream frogs, survival alone, survival instincts5 August, 2023561
30:54Survival SkillsSurvival, Detecting hedgehogs, Making rudimentary traps, catching stone crabs, survival skills4 August, 20234,692
33:14Survival SkillsBuild a small bamboo shop in the village. Harvest guava. Enjoy together29 July, 20237,936
36:44Survival SkillsBuild. Handmade wooden house. The couple built a wooden house together. in the forest.28 July, 202316,580
29:30Survival SkillsHarvest super large bamboo shoots. Together Completing the new bedroom18 July, 202372,484
25:41Survival SkillsTogether build a new life together - Wife gardening, Husband repairing house15 July, 202315,813
35:15Survival SkillsThe wooden CABIN is more spacious. Together face the difficulties together when building a new life5 July, 202312,340
24:51Survival SkillsThe first herd of pigs was born in the rain. Happy rainy day | Forest life skills DT29 June, 202384,184
29:28Survival SkillsGrind corn for pigs. Making traditional croissants, Let's live happily together24 June, 202386,552
57:57Survival SkillsThe Bad Guys Go To The Farm To Steal Fish, Break The Cabinet, Catch The Stream Fish Survival Skills25 May, 202310,804
29:50Survival SkillsGrinding freshly harvested rice, Catching fish, boiled chicken. Cook a healthy nutritious meal24 May, 202318,294
27:33Survival SkillsThe two brothers together Harvest giant cucumbers to go to the market to sell24 May, 202389,747
29:40Survival SkillsSurvival, Skills, Wild Boar Hunting, Wild Boar Processing and Preservation, Survival Skills19 May, 20231,008
31:46Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Beast attack, Snail hunting, Survival Skill Sheet17 May, 20231,714
21:25Survival SkillsThe two brothers worked together to make cassava grass and collect firewood - Forest life skills14 May, 202349,279
26:25Survival SkillsGiant jungle crab party. Celebrate my birthday with my husband and wife KONG and my sister14 May, 202375,027
30:46Survival SkillsI Break into the jungle at midnight. Harvest great loot - Forest life skills DT12 May, 202352,566
23:03Survival SkillsTaro plants grow huge after 60 days of long care - Finishing the concrete walkway9 May, 20233,367
30:52Survival SkillsThe guy is so busy. Hard work every day to build a better future life | Ep. 4657 May, 202320,811
38:27Survival SkillsHarvesting Fireballs to Market - Finding Food for Pigs, Survival Skills5 May, 202312,105
37:10Survival SkillsDiary of harvesting agricultural products - Boiled sweet potato with honey, Cool off on a summer day4 May, 202314,472
20:19Survival SkillsGlutinous corn after 2 months of hard work has been harvested - Weeding the corn garden2 May, 202312,753
44:41Survival SkillsHarvesting natural fruits, Catching stream fish, Survival skills @survivalalone60012 May, 20231,443
29:03Survival SkillsHarvest honey. Enjoy the results - Wonderful life in the quiet mountains30 April, 202310,212
1:31:32Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: wild boar attacks people, survive alone, skills, boar traps, survival instincts27 April, 202310,645
28:16Survival SkillsConstruction and painting process. Complete the solid bath in 5 consecutive days without stopping26 April, 202321,372
2:23:25Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: Survival, skills, detecting tigers attacking people, boar trap skills25 April, 2023182,032
27:41Survival SkillsMountain youth named DAU builds a green life. Build a fence to protect rice fields.24 April, 202310,042
30:00Survival Skills1 week of active work to complete a clean bathroom - Paint to preserve wooden walls21 April, 202315,778
2:50:25Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO; jungle survival, jungle chicken trap, giant fish catch, survival skills20 April, 20231,514
30:11Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Catch the giant fish, survive in the forest, survival skills18 April, 20235,658
25:01Survival SkillsI finished the beautiful blue bathroom roof - Wet rice garden, pigs are about to give birth17 April, 202327,263
33:01Survival SkillsSurvival skills. Build a shelter in the forest. craft traps. and catch frogs.16 April, 2023306
28:29Survival SkillsThe process of building a clean ant bath has entered the 3rd day - Wood frame structure, cement roof15 April, 202311,331
21:14Survival SkillsCompleting the construction of a clean bathroom - Lay out clean flower tiles14 April, 202357,959
38:50Survival SkillsMaking a chicken coop for wild chickens, life on the farm, survival skills13 April, 20231,047
20:24Survival SkillsConstruction of solid bathroom foundation - The process of building and renewing the farm11 April, 202311,460
24:57Survival SkillsHarvesting potato leaves for pigs, Chop banana stalks for fish to eat- Busy day of DAU9 April, 202332,541
29:00Survival SkillsI gathered herbs and healed my injured leg myself - Quickly renovate the abandoned swamp8 April, 202358,621
1:39:00Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: skills to catch forest squirrels with a crossbow, survival alone, survival skills6 April, 20231,042
23:38Survival SkillsHealthy chicks are born after being incubated deep in the ground5 April, 202321,076
39:00Survival SkillsCook a nutritious meal with Chicken and Gourd - Clean up the pig farm4 April, 202362,544
36:31Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, shelter building, survival alone, jungle adventure episode 34 April, 20231,946
33:49Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, skills to catch forest squirrels with a crossbow, adventure in the forest part 23 April, 202315,281
32:41Survival SkillsSurvival, Skills, Make a bamboo fence for pigs, build a farm life, survival skills27 March, 20234,818
29:44Survival SkillsPaint the wooden floor to complete the hut - Release more fish, make your own fish feeder27 March, 202315,460
39:00Survival SkillsSurvive alone, detect tigers, attack people, skills, tiger traps, survival instincts26 March, 2023112,568
35:50Survival SkillsDaily life of a guy named DAU. Livestock, Spray foliar fertilizer25 March, 20239,574
33:29Survival SkillsConstruction and painting process. Complete the wooden hut in 10 consecutive days without stopping23 March, 20239,113
25:51Survival SkillsComplete the construction of the shelter, find the drink containing smallpox, farm life22 March, 20231,802
2:36:52Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO : survival, skills, being attacked by wild animals, quickly building shelter21 March, 202313,237
36:11Survival SkillsSurvival skills, skills to dig mice, get food for wild boars, survive in the forest, survival skills20 March, 202311,339
28:17Survival SkillsSurvive alone, follow the trail, wild boar, weave bamboo baskets. catching fish, survival instinct20 March, 202397,357
20:44Survival SkillsThe roof of the hut is solidly tiled. Leveling the land with a tortoise cart - Peaceful life19 March, 202345,821
30:50Survival Skills3rd day fighting the early summer sun - Building a hut on the newly built dam Forest life | Ep.54517 March, 20239,980
32:40Survival SkillsDismantle the old and degraded leaf hut. Shipping by water - Preparing to build a new hut15 March, 202323,764
2:1:38Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO : move to new land, build survival shelter, survival alone14 March, 202325,512
41:01Survival SkillsCorn after 3 months of intensive care has been harvested - Clean up the banana garden and fish pond12 March, 202345,555
25:46Survival SkillsHarvest a lot of chicken eggs from the incubator in the ground - Plant more lemon trees10 March, 202329,579
27:12Survival SkillsSurvival skills, wild boar trap skills and survival in wild forests, survival skills10 March, 20237,483
26:55Survival SkillsSurvival skills, being attacked by wild animals, quickly building shelters, survival skills9 March, 20231,673
28:27Survival SkillsProcessing and drying cassava on the roof. Quickly build a firewood warehouse8 March, 202321,553
25:35Survival SkillsThe miserable life of a guy in the mountains of Northeast Vietnam. Harvesting and preserving cassava8 March, 202389,454
20:41Survival SkillsComplete a solid dam - Knitting nets to prevent garbage, Clean up weeds7 March, 202363,173
3:28:47Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO 200 days of survival, skills, boar traps, squirrel shooting, wilderness survival6 March, 202384,608
31:54Survival SkillsRebuild the leaf hut to prepare to avoid the coming summer heat - Forest life skills2 March, 202322,757
28:08Survival SkillsSurvival skills, catching fish with bare hands, scolding pigs and feeding pigs, survival alone1 March, 20232,511
31:33Survival SkillsCompleted the dam to prevent water solidly in 4 days. Picking corn leaves for fish, fertilizing rice25 February, 202310,650
26:15Survival SkillsConstruction of the dam was completed on the 3rd day. Small sand screening for waterproofing23 February, 202320,843
32:40Survival Skillssurvival skills, how to make bamboo traps, mouse traps, wild survival, survival instinctively23 February, 20237,359
26:29Survival Skills2nd day Construction of a new solid water storage dam. Transportation of materials and construction22 February, 202362,115
34:09Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, detect traces of wild boar, set traps to catch wild boar, survival instinctively21 February, 202314,530
23:02Survival SkillsConstruction of a new solid water storage dam - The process of building a farm18 February, 20237,525
18:57Survival SkillsConstruction of cages to avoid cold and incubate eggs for chickens - The process of building a farm16 February, 202324,293
27:31Survival Skillsskills of digging and catching bamboo rats, the process of making smoked rat meat, survival alone15 February, 20233,856
24:13Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Attacked by wild animals, quickly find shelter, survival instinctively14 February, 20238,670
17:26Survival SkillsSurvival skills, forest leopard detection, forest leopard trap skills, survival alone12 February, 20234,783
30:56Survival SkillsSurvival skills, boar trap skills, survival alone, farm in the forest10 February, 20234,735
21:52Survival SkillsThe process of 350 days of building a garden, everything changes after 1 year of hard work6 February, 202327,838
2:49:43Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: Survival skills, boar traps, catching stream fish, building a barn, surviving alone5 February, 20236,992
24:22Survival SkillsSurvival skills, jungle chicken trapping skills, survival instincts, survival alone5 February, 20237,482
22:14Survival SkillsPicking fruit Pouteria Caimito. Finishing the warehouse, tool holder4 February, 202345,551
38:59Survival SkillsConstruction of warehouse walls and wooden safety doors - Build a farm in a new location2 February, 202362,316
37:06Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, boar traps, wild boar meat processing, survival alone1 February, 20239,288
27:12Survival SkillsConstruction of a shelter to avoid the cold for the piglets - The process of building a farm31 January, 202367,410
36:37Survival SkillsPlanting peach blossoms to welcome the beautiful spring. Build the farm into a fairyland30 January, 202325,456
22:51Survival SkillsTomato Harvest - Finishing the wooden workshop floor with concrete | In the wilderness28 January, 202343,805
38:52Survival SkillsSurvival, Skills, Skills to build bamboo houses for wild boars, life in the forest28 January, 20232,013
1:01Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Journey to catch stream fish, life in the forest part 325 January, 20231,983
57Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Journey to catch stream fish, life in the forest part 225 January, 20232,876
24:35Survival SkillsSurvival, Wild, Alone, Water Drag & Welcome two new members, Forest Farm24 January, 20237,245
27:15Survival SkillsConstruction of the wooden factory foundation, The process of building a farm in a new location22 January, 202348,167
35:28Survival SkillsSurvival, Skills, skills to catch stream fish, survival in the forest22 January, 20237,048
36:29Survival SkillsThe 150-day process of building a garden into a fairyland, how things change after 2 year18 January, 202316,722
8:22:12Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO 365 DAYS; adventure, wild survival in the jungle alone, skill, instinct16 January, 20231,921
35:22Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, find food for wild boar, trap wild boar, survive alone in the forest13 January, 202314,279
37:57Survival SkillsFinishing the carpentry workshop, Two hard days with my brother | Forest life skills DT13 January, 202340,361
26:58Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, stream fishing skills, survival alone, life in the forest12 January, 20231,892
37:08Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, how to make smoked wild boar meat, long-term food preservation.10 January, 202314,338
23:03Survival SkillsYounger brother came to help me build a small carpentry workshop, Great gift from my Younger brother10 January, 20237,316
21:04Survival SkillsCold winter days, Sowing new crops, anti-cold. Chickens grow strongly after 150 days8 January, 202343,566
27:57Survival Skillsmake rice mills, for cooking, farm in the forest, survival alone6 January, 20237,230
27:29Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, catching stream fish skills | Catch and Cook, survive alone in the wilderness6 January, 20234,593
39:50Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, Making crossbows - hunting wild chickens to survive alone in the forest6 January, 20239,906
2:19:29Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO : 120 days of survival, skills traps, boar traps, build barns4 January, 202313,138
34:11Survival SkillsDismantle the pigsty to make a solid wooden bridge, Taking care of chicks - Forest life skills DT3 January, 202319,582
27:00Survival SkillsHarvesting peaches, Soaking rice for seeding, making beds for seeding - Forest life skills DT2 January, 202345,209
30:41Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, building a barn for wild boar, survival alone1 January, 20239,618
27:25Survival SkillsSurvival Skills, Catching & Taming Wild Chickens, Survival Instinct, Surviving Alone30 December, 20227,652
27:51Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, skills to trap wild chickens, survive in the forest, find food for wild boar30 December, 20224,949
22:49Survival SkillsPlant a lot of sugarcane for sugar, A wet early winter day - Forest life | Ep.48029 December, 202213,074
17:46Survival SkillsWild boar trapping skills, finding food for wild boars, survival alone, survival instincts28 December, 20224,890
26:28Survival Skillsmove into the deep forest in search of food, survival alone, survival instinct28 December, 202219,089
27:00Survival SkillsSurvival skills, skills to catch fish with bare hands, living alone in the forest27 December, 20221,737
30:00Survival SkillsSurvival, skills, to trap wild boar, find food for wild boar, survival alone27 December, 202211,050
30:15Survival SkillsMake a solid staircase to the pig farm - Forest life | Ep.47726 December, 202247,743
21:23Survival SkillsSurvival skills, jungle chicken trap skills, finding food for wild boars, life in the forest25 December, 20223,081
38:28Survival SkillsSurvival skills. Build bamboo tents. to create shelter.to survive in the wilderness25 December, 2022607
31:25Survival SkillsDesign of water supply and drainage systems for livestock areas - Forest life | Ep.47820 December, 202244,493
34:30Survival SkillsWet rice plants after 69 days of care. Make a nest for laying hens, Cook delicious meals for piglets19 December, 202254,440
24:54Survival SkillsSurvival skills, catching fish with bare hands, surviving in the jungle18 December, 20224,291
32:02Survival SkillsSurvival skills, finding food for wild boars, wild chickens, surviving alone, survival instincts18 December, 202217,806
24:44Survival SkillsSurvival skills, detecting wild boars eating cassava, boar trap skills16 December, 202212,049
25:49Survival SkillsSurvival skills, wild boar detection, wild chicken trap skills, survival alone14 December, 202212,290
19:55Survival SkillsSkills, Find food, Build shelter in the deep forest, Survival instinct13 December, 20221,635
26:46Survival Skillsskills, shooting wild chickens, survival alone, survival instincts12 December, 202222,797
33:54Survival SkillsInstalling a water system to the farm, Take the wild pineapple to plant. Forest life skills | Ep.46912 December, 202243,850
25:20Survival SkillsHoeing the land Planting long beans, Making clothes drying racks, Cleaning home11 December, 202251,931
2:23:05Survival SkillsFull video: 199 days to build a farm - Grow vegetables, raise livestock | Live with nature10 December, 202223,600
34:33Survival Skillssurvival, wilderness, skills, boar traps, survival instincts, survival alone9 December, 20227,850
35:41Survival SkillsDetect predators, build shelter quickly and, survival alone, survival instinct9 December, 202240,744
2:16:49Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: 30 days of survival, Wild boar trap skills, Catch bamboo mouse, Build barns8 December, 202223,042
23:33Survival Skillsskills, catching stream frogs, survival alone, survival instincts7 December, 202280,021
37:48Survival SkillsThe purple sweet potatoes in the garden are about to be harvested, Weeding and cooking wild potatoes6 December, 202253,575
58:32Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: 65 days of survival in the wild, skills, boar traps, survival instincts5 December, 202210,131
28:24Survival Skillssurvival, survival skills, survival instincts, jungle life | Survival Instinctively5 December, 20229,546
27:32Survival SkillsSurvival skills, catching stream fish, survival alone, survival instincts5 December, 20225,318
41:03Survival SkillsFinished building a bathroom that is convenient for living, wild, survival - Wild Life HT (ep30)4 December, 2022890
26:41Survival Skillssurvival,wilderness,skills,boar trap,survival instinct,survival alone28 November, 2022155,163
39:00Survival SkillsRepairing degraded roof tiles. Happy Life with my little dog.22 November, 202251,310
26:20Survival SkillsSurvival skills, skills to trap wild boar, survive in the forest20 November, 2022781
34:12Survival SkillsBack to Kong's Brother's Farm, Help build a wooden barn, Harvest wild cassava18 November, 202215,710
39:53Survival SkillsFirst time younger brother came to visit me - Catch fish in the pond and have a barbecue party13 November, 202216,577
52:09Survival SkillsGardening vegetables to prepare food for the winter, wild alone, survival - Forest Life CT | Ep 9310 November, 20227,620
28:54Survival SkillsFarm expansion - Take advantage of the mini hydroelectric plant to use modern support tools9 November, 20229,361
33:17Survival SkillsMy First Time Visiting My Younger Brother: Get Sweet Potato and Sugar Cane , Chicken Hot Pot8 November, 202253,749
33:44Survival SkillsBuild a large barn to continue growing wild boar, Busy day with new farm | Ep.2463 November, 20227,806
25:26Survival SkillsThe cabbage plants are about to be harvested, Expand the farm, plant more onions | Ep.2451 November, 202212,806
38:18Survival SkillsRenovate the house to cope with the coming harsh winter - Forest life skills | Ep.24226 October, 202250,518
27:55Survival SkillsInstall more cabinets for the wooden kitchen, make chairs - Cook wild snails | Ep.24123 October, 202244,798
36:48Survival SkillsInstall more light bulbs on the farm, Repair of generators from hydroelectric energy | Ep.24023 October, 202250,988
41:28Survival SkillsFloating house on the lake, overnight fishing with the dog Lulu ,wild alone,survival instinct |Ep 8420 October, 202234,866
25:13Survival SkillsSurvival alone, survival instincts, skills, taming wild birds19 October, 2022739,515
40:41Survival SkillsWonderful result of 6 months of growing bananas. Going to the forest to pick medicine | Ep.23817 October, 202259,938
33:32Survival SkillsA great day with mother and daughter LULU, Cut the weeds, Plant the first corn crop | Ep.23715 October, 202244,024
20:29Survival SkillsGrow a lot of vegetables and tomatoes, Go find the best food for wild boar - Forest life | Ep.2326 October, 202247,703
36:02Survival SkillsFarm after a stormy night, clean up, drain flood water, Catch big fish in the pond | Ep.2313 October, 202241,474
32:15Survival SkillsBurning hay for fertilizer, Making beds Planting sweet potatoes for pigs to eat | Ep.2302 October, 202259,155
32:37Survival SkillsTaking care of newly laid chicks, Cleaning fish tank - Forest life skills28 September, 202244,886
37:12Survival SkillsBuild a barn to grow a large herd of wild boar, A busy day at the farm - Wilderness Alone22 September, 202222,201
41:45Survival Skills190th day at the new farm, First flock of chicks born, DAU's Farm - Forest life22 September, 202246,341
20:10Survival Skillsback to the old house, delicious forest fruit, survival alone, survival instinct21 September, 202224,169
38:09Survival SkillsHarvest and dry roast to preserve fresh tea - Green forest life20 September, 202238,666
21:02Survival Skillsskill, catch all stream fish, survival alone, survival instinct18 September, 202240,168
50:36Survival SkillsMaking a mansion house for the dog Lulu, wilderness alone, survival instinct - Forest Life CT |Ep 7415 September, 202217,698
41:32Survival SkillsToday DAU picked a lot of bamboo shoots, Check out the hive on the old farm - Green Forest life14 September, 202248,499
44:18Survival SkillsHoe a big hole, Plant more grapes and water spinach - Green Forest life - Day 25213 September, 202258,054
46:45Survival SkillsSingle wooden bridge, Rebuild the broken bamboo raft | Live with nature - Day 25012 September, 202253,055
59:25Survival SkillsOne fine day, beautiful girlfriend came to visit and make delicious food from chicken and fish |Ep707 September, 202220,392
26:12Survival SkillsBuild a farm life , Plant wet rice , Build this place into a fairyland - Life in the green forest2 September, 202211,555
39:11Prepper VideosHarvest bamboo shoots, ducks go to the market, buy kitchen utensils,survival -Forest Life CT | Ep 681 September, 202218,651
31:48Survival SkillsCarrying the land, making beds, growing vegetables, fencing the garden - Life in the green forest29 August, 202285,321
1:53:46Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: 250 Days Alone in the Wild - How I Survived, survival alone23 August, 202230,423
25:09Survival SkillsRats destroy my upland rice, survival alone, survival instinct19 August, 202229,651
25:08Survival SkillsA peaceful day in a fairyland, Digging reserve taro - Building a life alone in the wilderness16 August, 20227,865