50:02Survival SkillsBuild a Warm and Comfortable Bushcraft Shelter inside an Ancient Tree. Rainforest Survival Skills21 March, 20256,348
57:02Survival SkillsTemporary bridge construction process: Preparing to build a solid concrete dam to store water14 March, 202573,534
48:18Survival SkillsRestoration and renovation of wastewater drainage system, Forest life skills DT27 February, 202528,504
48:23Survival SkillsWith skillful hands, DAU - TU - Phin have built a unique vegetable garden ready for the Spring crop11 February, 202586,358
56:17Survival SkillsThe process of building an environmentally friendly incinerator. Forest Life skills17 January, 202585,355
1:17:31Survival SkillsBuild a Luxury Wooden House. With Rainwater Tank, Bed, Table, Cupboard, Trap and Cooking ( Part 2)2 January, 202531,991
1:41Survival Skills20 days to quickly complete the farm before CHRISTMAS. Harmony close to nature16 December, 202489,687
53:41Survival SkillsBuild Stone Cabins, Bushcraft Shelters to SURVIVE 10 DAYS. Take Honey and Cook. ASMR Camping10 December, 2024998,479
53:45Survival SkillsHappy moments; Journey Kind neighbors came to help DT complete the fish pond after 5 working days26 November, 202496,643
37:14Survival SkillsDay 2 journey to renovate the fish pond. PHIN & DAU, TU with talented hands - Forest life skills DT25 November, 202487,634
44:19Survival SkillsNeighborhood love : DAU & TU and PHIN join hands to help Ms. COI build a small yard14 November, 202451,605
52:17Survival SkillsBuild pillars to prepare for raising and moving wooden CAIBIN. Restore warehouse damaged by storm2 November, 202437,161
1:7:17Survival SkillsThe process of completing 100% of the solid brick pig pen. Preparing to raise pigs for sale22 October, 202485,329
1:2:06Survival SkillsConstruction progress of solid livestock barn. Together we install safe roofing19 October, 202479,811
1:10:55Survival SkillsOn the third day, PHIN enthusiastically helped DAU set up the barn before TU's maternity leave.17 October, 202480,039
43:38Survival SkillsProgress chart Building a large pig farm with the help of Phin. Warm meals together in early winter14 October, 202432,954
43:24Survival SkillsDAU & TU with the help of PHIN quickly built solid pig pen before the harsh winter comes13 October, 202487,948
59:07Survival SkillsThe process of building a solid pig pen together. Preparing everything well before the baby is born10 October, 202481,613
40:03Survival SkillsDiary of building a future. Together we transport materials to restore the degraded pig farm.8 October, 202478,075
50:45Survival SkillsThe unexpected help of PHIN and the mechanic. Weaving iron, pouring concrete to complete the bridge3 October, 2024104,009
44:18Survival SkillsThe process of demolishing the old bridge that was degraded by storms to build a new, sturdy bridge26 September, 202484,596
48:32Survival SkillsBuy lots of mini KOI fish to raise. Fix the fish tank. Life is so happy in the forest together28 August, 202495,038
36:03Survival Skills10 Days of River Survival: Making Rafts, Fishing, shrimp trap, Cooking with Nature| Primitive Villa19 August, 2024549
46:45Survival SkillsDay 5 of building a new CABIN together. Install a sturdy wooden frame, beautiful to every centimeter17 August, 202446,196
39:04Survival Skills2 DAYS solo survival CAMPING, Exploring Tropical Forest. Fishing, Catch and Cook. Bushcraft Camping13 August, 20241,470
58:05Survival SkillsDay 2 of major farm renovation. Install wooden floors for new CABIN. Enjoy traditional cakes12 August, 2024101,819
57:48Survival SkillsBeautiful day to start building another wooden CABIN together - Constructing a solid foundation10 August, 2024101,164
53:13Survival SkillsJourney of Installing Solar Lighting System on Farm: Building a Green Farm Together30 July, 202495,730
42:55Survival SkillsThe journey to help a new neighbor build a house in the mountains and forests. Forest Life23 July, 202432,104
35:54Survival SkillsBuild a shelter 40 feet underground. There is a Warm Bed System and a Fireplace, survival skills19 July, 20242,696,256
38:40Survival SkillsComplete renovation of water tank. Together, we harvest fish from the pond to sell16 July, 2024103,900
42:05Survival SkillsThe battle for survival between the girl and the crocodile, how to trap crocodiles14 July, 202473,898
51:31Survival SkillsRestoring and rebuilding clean water tanks. Daily life in the forest of DAU & TU10 July, 202498,687
40:21Survival SkillsHarvest chicken eggs and sell them at the market. Make a cooling bath for the Ducks1 July, 202479,005
41:42Survival SkillsThe villagers came to help DAU & TU complete the entire solid road. Coping with stormy season27 June, 202496,644
57:18Survival SkillsThe process of repairing and upgrading the road from the farm to the village19 June, 2024130,055
27:56Survival SkillsA new herd of wild boars is constantly being born. Nesting, care - Forest life skills DT16 June, 202498,603
34:27Survival SkillsHarvest ripe pineapples to sell. Make pickled bamboo shoots and chili enough to eat for 3 months.13 June, 202497,918
40:44Survival SkillsRestore the house for the laying hens. Make sponge cake from chicken eggs and enjoy.7 June, 202421,295
41:57Survival SkillsTogether Harvesting peanuts after 6 months of care. Sold out within 1 hour - Forest life skills6 June, 2024110,101
39:17Survival SkillsMake more nests for the hens to lay eggs. Villagers came to help DAU & TU move the warehouse2 June, 202496,678
24:14Survival SkillsThe process of making melon and squash under the stream. Promise a bumper season26 May, 202483,950
53:41Survival SkillsBuild Stone Cabins, Bushcraft Shelters to SURVIVE 10 DAYS. Take Honey and Cook. ASMR Camping21 May, 20245,236
32:38Survival SkillsSTART To FINISH. Together, we completed the second wooden bridge to cope with the flood21 May, 202441,082
33:34Survival SkillsThe process of building the second wooden bridge. Ensuring safety before the rainy season19 May, 202450,470
28:42Survival SkillsJourney Together we harvest canarium fruit to sell. Life building diary - Forest life skills18 May, 202417,167
33:06Survival SkillsAnother batch of piglets was born. Harvesting plums, fishing in the pond and a happy meal15 May, 202498,831
31:47Survival SkillsDismantling the old rotten wooden bridge. Build bridge abutments, prepare to build a big bridge14 May, 202434,176
1:19:23Survival SkillsDiary 30 Days solo Survival CAMPING. Build a secret survival shelter deep inside big tree, Cooking13 May, 2024798
32:04Survival SkillsThe Process of Building a Clean Water Tank for Pigs: Start raining, Clear the grass on the farm4 May, 20246,276
34:21Survival SkillsConstruction of a new clean, solid and spacious road. Renovating the face of farms in 202417 April, 202454,422
42:29Survival SkillsLife building diary : Drying and preserving salted fish. Another flock of newly hatched chicks15 April, 202415,002
36:59Survival Skills240h Survival - Build a 10m Tree Shelter in the Rainforest with Ancient Skills - Tree House (P1)12 April, 2024315
1:15:05Survival Skillssurvival skills, tiger attack, 5 days of building a shelter in a tree, survival instincts9 April, 2024610
29:45Survival SkillsJourney to stabilize life: Together Build a fence for the duck raising area. Plant taro7 April, 202461,861
22:38Survival SkillsConstruction progress of the solid wooden bridge on day 3 - Bridge pillars, wooden bridge deck24 March, 2024112,187
36:16Survival SkillsConstruction progress of a solid bridge before the rainy season - Concrete paving and road upgrading21 March, 202464,133
35:54Survival SkillsBuild a shelter 40 feet underground. There is a Warm Bed System and a Fireplace, survival skills18 March, 20242,315,773
45:19Survival SkillsConstruction of a solid bridge begins before the rainy season - Bridge foundation construction15 March, 2024122,177
50:19Survival SkillsCompleted 100% clean new kitchen floor:With the cooperation of DAU & TU The farm innovates every day12 March, 202483,246
42:46Survival SkillsWild boar attacks girl, digs wild boar traps, builds shelter, survival skills12 March, 202465,932
19:43Survival SkillsReclamation, cutting grass, building dams to prevent water. Expand farming and farm development2 March, 20249,321
31:46Survival SkillsTogether build a duck farm. Sewing clothes. New life in the rainforest26 February, 202422,615
51:18Survival SkillsBuild a warehouse to store tractors. Journey Go up the mountain to visit NHAT and family21 February, 202445,546
31:15Survival SkillsHarvest all cassava to grow bananas. Promises a bumper crop. Building a life in the forest19 February, 202415,716
34:04Survival SkillsTogether Dig and harvest bamboo shoots to sell - Build a beautiful new life in 20248 February, 202438,732
35:54Survival SkillsBuild a shelter 40 feet underground. There is a Warm Bed System and a Fireplace, survival skills15 December, 202323,877
34:55Survival SkillsHarvesting vegetable leaves for pigs to eat. Make refrigerator shelves. Discover pure water sources6 December, 2023130,498
23:24Survival SkillsTogether design and build a solid brick farm entrance gate. Farm innovation journey 202329 November, 202389,559
23:52Survival SkillsA warm, happy meal with the KONG family. Carp harvesting. Repair leaking dam28 November, 2023146,144
33:51Survival SkillsTogether Complete beautiful garage floor - Dream farm | Forest life skills DT24 November, 202399,211
35:22Survival SkillsProgress of toilet construction. Harvest fish and cook fish after a tiring day of work20 October, 2023100,756
44:50Survival SkillsBuild solid, clean toilets in 2023 - A happy Labor Day from DAU and TU | Forest life skills DT15 October, 202392,286
39:13Survival SkillsDAU and TU were very happy to receive the precious gift - Plant more flowers, beautify the farm1 October, 202348,565
51:17Survival SkillsFinish the porch floor clean and airy - Cook nutritious wild chicken meat for your wife25 September, 202345,580
25:51Survival SkillsSurvive alone, detect tiger footprints, attack people, skills, tiger traps, survival skills15 September, 202361,422
35:59Survival SkillsBuild a small yard - Plan together to renovate a rich and beautiful farm in 202313 September, 202351,902
1:3:04Survival SkillsStart to Finish - Build a $1 Shelter With Coconuts. Fishing and Cooking | Primitive Villa13 September, 202324,818
30:07Survival SkillsBuild and upgrade the only road from farm to village | Forest Life Skills DT7 September, 202349,072
28:52Survival SkillsCatch fish, chicken, prepare for honeymoon in the deep forest | Forest life skills DT4 September, 202372,367
2:19:59Survival SkillsThe 60-day process of harvesting forest products, building a new residence and life in the forest31 August, 20237,585
33:14Survival SkillsBuild a small bamboo shop in the village. Harvest guava. Enjoy together29 July, 20237,936
29:30Survival SkillsHarvest super large bamboo shoots. Together Completing the new bedroom18 July, 202372,484
25:41Survival SkillsTogether build a new life together - Wife gardening, Husband repairing house15 July, 202315,813
35:15Survival SkillsThe wooden CABIN is more spacious. Together face the difficulties together when building a new life5 July, 202312,340
24:51Survival SkillsThe first herd of pigs was born in the rain. Happy rainy day | Forest life skills DT29 June, 202384,184
29:28Survival SkillsGrind corn for pigs. Making traditional croissants, Let's live happily together24 June, 202386,552
29:50Survival SkillsGrinding freshly harvested rice, Catching fish, boiled chicken. Cook a healthy nutritious meal24 May, 202318,294
27:33Survival SkillsThe two brothers together Harvest giant cucumbers to go to the market to sell24 May, 202389,747
21:25Survival SkillsThe two brothers worked together to make cassava grass and collect firewood - Forest life skills14 May, 202349,279
26:25Survival SkillsGiant jungle crab party. Celebrate my birthday with my husband and wife KONG and my sister14 May, 202375,027
30:46Survival SkillsI Break into the jungle at midnight. Harvest great loot - Forest life skills DT12 May, 202352,566
23:03Survival SkillsTaro plants grow huge after 60 days of long care - Finishing the concrete walkway9 May, 20233,367
30:52Survival SkillsThe guy is so busy. Hard work every day to build a better future life | Ep. 4657 May, 202320,811
37:10Survival SkillsDiary of harvesting agricultural products - Boiled sweet potato with honey, Cool off on a summer day4 May, 202314,472
20:19Survival SkillsGlutinous corn after 2 months of hard work has been harvested - Weeding the corn garden2 May, 202312,753
29:03Survival SkillsHarvest honey. Enjoy the results - Wonderful life in the quiet mountains30 April, 202310,212
28:16Survival SkillsConstruction and painting process. Complete the solid bath in 5 consecutive days without stopping26 April, 202321,372
27:41Survival SkillsMountain youth named DAU builds a green life. Build a fence to protect rice fields.24 April, 202310,042
30:00Survival Skills1 week of active work to complete a clean bathroom - Paint to preserve wooden walls21 April, 202315,778
25:01Survival SkillsI finished the beautiful blue bathroom roof - Wet rice garden, pigs are about to give birth17 April, 202327,263
28:29Survival SkillsThe process of building a clean ant bath has entered the 3rd day - Wood frame structure, cement roof15 April, 202311,331
21:14Survival SkillsCompleting the construction of a clean bathroom - Lay out clean flower tiles14 April, 202357,959
20:24Survival SkillsConstruction of solid bathroom foundation - The process of building and renewing the farm11 April, 202311,460
24:57Survival SkillsHarvesting potato leaves for pigs, Chop banana stalks for fish to eat- Busy day of DAU9 April, 202332,541
29:00Survival SkillsI gathered herbs and healed my injured leg myself - Quickly renovate the abandoned swamp8 April, 202358,621
23:38Survival SkillsHealthy chicks are born after being incubated deep in the ground5 April, 202321,076
39:00Survival SkillsCook a nutritious meal with Chicken and Gourd - Clean up the pig farm4 April, 202362,544
29:44Survival SkillsPaint the wooden floor to complete the hut - Release more fish, make your own fish feeder27 March, 202315,460
35:50Survival SkillsDaily life of a guy named DAU. Livestock, Spray foliar fertilizer25 March, 20239,574
33:29Survival SkillsConstruction and painting process. Complete the wooden hut in 10 consecutive days without stopping23 March, 20239,113
20:44Survival SkillsThe roof of the hut is solidly tiled. Leveling the land with a tortoise cart - Peaceful life19 March, 202345,821
30:50Survival Skills3rd day fighting the early summer sun - Building a hut on the newly built dam Forest life | Ep.54517 March, 20239,980
32:40Survival SkillsDismantle the old and degraded leaf hut. Shipping by water - Preparing to build a new hut15 March, 202323,764
41:01Survival SkillsCorn after 3 months of intensive care has been harvested - Clean up the banana garden and fish pond12 March, 202345,555
25:46Survival SkillsHarvest a lot of chicken eggs from the incubator in the ground - Plant more lemon trees10 March, 202329,579
28:27Survival SkillsProcessing and drying cassava on the roof. Quickly build a firewood warehouse8 March, 202321,553
25:35Survival SkillsThe miserable life of a guy in the mountains of Northeast Vietnam. Harvesting and preserving cassava8 March, 202389,454
20:41Survival SkillsComplete a solid dam - Knitting nets to prevent garbage, Clean up weeds7 March, 202363,173
31:54Survival SkillsRebuild the leaf hut to prepare to avoid the coming summer heat - Forest life skills2 March, 202322,757
31:33Survival SkillsCompleted the dam to prevent water solidly in 4 days. Picking corn leaves for fish, fertilizing rice25 February, 202310,650
26:15Survival SkillsConstruction of the dam was completed on the 3rd day. Small sand screening for waterproofing23 February, 202320,843
26:29Survival Skills2nd day Construction of a new solid water storage dam. Transportation of materials and construction22 February, 202362,115
23:02Survival SkillsConstruction of a new solid water storage dam - The process of building a farm18 February, 20237,525
18:57Survival SkillsConstruction of cages to avoid cold and incubate eggs for chickens - The process of building a farm16 February, 202324,293
21:52Survival SkillsThe process of 350 days of building a garden, everything changes after 1 year of hard work6 February, 202327,838
22:14Survival SkillsPicking fruit Pouteria Caimito. Finishing the warehouse, tool holder4 February, 202345,551
38:59Survival SkillsConstruction of warehouse walls and wooden safety doors - Build a farm in a new location2 February, 202362,316
27:12Survival SkillsConstruction of a shelter to avoid the cold for the piglets - The process of building a farm31 January, 202367,410
36:37Survival SkillsPlanting peach blossoms to welcome the beautiful spring. Build the farm into a fairyland30 January, 202325,456
22:51Survival SkillsTomato Harvest - Finishing the wooden workshop floor with concrete | In the wilderness28 January, 202343,805
27:36Survival Skills240h Survival - Build a Rainforest Shelter, Fireplace, Night Hunt | Bamboo House On The Tree24 January, 2023337,041
27:15Survival SkillsConstruction of the wooden factory foundation, The process of building a farm in a new location22 January, 202348,167
36:29Survival SkillsThe 150-day process of building a garden into a fairyland, how things change after 2 year18 January, 202316,722
37:57Survival SkillsFinishing the carpentry workshop, Two hard days with my brother | Forest life skills DT13 January, 202340,361
23:03Survival SkillsYounger brother came to help me build a small carpentry workshop, Great gift from my Younger brother10 January, 20237,316
21:04Survival SkillsCold winter days, Sowing new crops, anti-cold. Chickens grow strongly after 150 days8 January, 202343,566
34:11Survival SkillsDismantle the pigsty to make a solid wooden bridge, Taking care of chicks - Forest life skills DT3 January, 202319,582
27:00Survival SkillsHarvesting peaches, Soaking rice for seeding, making beds for seeding - Forest life skills DT2 January, 202345,209
54:42Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: Ending 1 Month of Survival - Building a Cave Shelter and Cooking - Winter Camping2 January, 2023167,457
22:49Survival SkillsPlant a lot of sugarcane for sugar, A wet early winter day - Forest life | Ep.48029 December, 202213,074
27:00Survival SkillsSurvival skills, skills to catch fish with bare hands, living alone in the forest27 December, 20221,737
30:15Survival SkillsMake a solid staircase to the pig farm - Forest life | Ep.47726 December, 202247,743
31:25Survival SkillsDesign of water supply and drainage systems for livestock areas - Forest life | Ep.47820 December, 202244,493
34:30Survival SkillsWet rice plants after 69 days of care. Make a nest for laying hens, Cook delicious meals for piglets19 December, 202254,440
33:54Survival SkillsInstalling a water system to the farm, Take the wild pineapple to plant. Forest life skills | Ep.46912 December, 202243,850
25:20Survival SkillsHoeing the land Planting long beans, Making clothes drying racks, Cleaning home11 December, 202251,931
2:23:05Survival SkillsFull video: 199 days to build a farm - Grow vegetables, raise livestock | Live with nature10 December, 202223,600
37:48Survival SkillsThe purple sweet potatoes in the garden are about to be harvested, Weeding and cooking wild potatoes6 December, 202253,575
28:24Survival Skillssurvival, survival skills, survival instincts, jungle life | Survival Instinctively5 December, 20229,546
54:51Survival SkillsFULL VIDEO: End 240h Survival - Cooking And Building Shelter In The Rain Forest - Tree House4 December, 202240,170
39:00Survival SkillsRepairing degraded roof tiles. Happy Life with my little dog.22 November, 202251,310
34:12Survival SkillsBack to Kong's Brother's Farm, Help build a wooden barn, Harvest wild cassava18 November, 202215,710
39:53Survival SkillsFirst time younger brother came to visit me - Catch fish in the pond and have a barbecue party13 November, 202216,577
28:54Survival SkillsFarm expansion - Take advantage of the mini hydroelectric plant to use modern support tools9 November, 20229,361
33:17Survival SkillsMy First Time Visiting My Younger Brother: Get Sweet Potato and Sugar Cane , Chicken Hot Pot8 November, 202253,749
33:44Survival SkillsBuild a large barn to continue growing wild boar, Busy day with new farm | Ep.2463 November, 20227,806
25:26Survival SkillsThe cabbage plants are about to be harvested, Expand the farm, plant more onions | Ep.2451 November, 202212,806
38:18Survival SkillsRenovate the house to cope with the coming harsh winter - Forest life skills | Ep.24226 October, 202250,518
27:55Survival SkillsInstall more cabinets for the wooden kitchen, make chairs - Cook wild snails | Ep.24123 October, 202244,798
36:48Survival SkillsInstall more light bulbs on the farm, Repair of generators from hydroelectric energy | Ep.24023 October, 202250,988
40:41Survival SkillsWonderful result of 6 months of growing bananas. Going to the forest to pick medicine | Ep.23817 October, 202259,938
33:32Survival SkillsA great day with mother and daughter LULU, Cut the weeds, Plant the first corn crop | Ep.23715 October, 202244,024
20:29Survival SkillsGrow a lot of vegetables and tomatoes, Go find the best food for wild boar - Forest life | Ep.2326 October, 202247,703
36:02Survival SkillsFarm after a stormy night, clean up, drain flood water, Catch big fish in the pond | Ep.2313 October, 202241,474
32:15Survival SkillsBurning hay for fertilizer, Making beds Planting sweet potatoes for pigs to eat | Ep.2302 October, 202259,155
32:37Survival SkillsTaking care of newly laid chicks, Cleaning fish tank - Forest life skills28 September, 202244,886
37:12Survival SkillsBuild a barn to grow a large herd of wild boar, A busy day at the farm - Wilderness Alone22 September, 202222,201
41:45Survival Skills190th day at the new farm, First flock of chicks born, DAU's Farm - Forest life22 September, 202246,341
38:09Survival SkillsHarvest and dry roast to preserve fresh tea - Green forest life20 September, 202238,666
41:32Survival SkillsToday DAU picked a lot of bamboo shoots, Check out the hive on the old farm - Green Forest life14 September, 202248,499
44:18Survival SkillsHoe a big hole, Plant more grapes and water spinach - Green Forest life - Day 25213 September, 202258,054
46:45Survival SkillsSingle wooden bridge, Rebuild the broken bamboo raft | Live with nature - Day 25012 September, 202253,055
26:12Survival SkillsBuild a farm life , Plant wet rice , Build this place into a fairyland - Life in the green forest2 September, 202211,555
31:48Survival SkillsCarrying the land, making beds, growing vegetables, fencing the garden - Life in the green forest29 August, 202285,321
25:08Survival SkillsA peaceful day in a fairyland, Digging reserve taro - Building a life alone in the wilderness16 August, 20227,865