CHEAP PREPS! Prepper Pantry Meal Idea - food storage - be prepared #prepping

CHEAP PREPS! Prepper Pantry Meal Idea - food storage - be prepared #prepping

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Prepping does not have to expensive! You can prep for cheap. Here is an inexpensive prepper pantry meal idea: canned chicken and soup. This prepper meal is simple, quick, and satisfying. Pick up a few cans of each and you will be well on your way to stocking your pantry and being more prepared for shtf. There is place in your preps for long term food sotrage like dried beans, rice, wheat, etc but it is also extremely important to have ready to eat, open and go food items like canned meats and soups. These are not only great for preparedness, but also for a quick weeknight meal! Keep on prepping! What is your favorite cheap prep?

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