Prepping Food For Long Term Storage Is Important Right Now | DIY vs KIT

Prepping Food For Long Term Storage Is Important Right Now | DIY vs KIT

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Prepping Food For Long Term Storage Is Important Right Now | DIY vs KIT
I don't think we can have enough food stockpiled ahead of what's coming. But every bit you add will help! DIY is cheap but kits have some benefits too.

Saying that prepping more food for long term storage is an understatement right now. We are going to experience a food crisis like we haven't seen in a long time. And even if there is still food on the shelf, will you be able to afford it? In this video, I try to explain the benefits of buying emergency food kits over DIY food storage options to give everyone some things to think about. Valley Food Storage is a company I decided to work with that provides high quality food that will last 25 years. It's also pretty expensive. But the more options we all have access to right now, the better.

If you are interested in seeing what Valley Food Storage has to offer, use this link to also help support this channel:

Even if you aren't in a position to buy expensive emergency food kits right now, just make sure you are getting what you can. Every extra can of food or bag of rice you can stash away is one more meal you won't have to skip during SHTF.

For more information on SHTF prepping, please visit:

#Prepping #FoodStorage #SHTF