Digging Up a Rifle Buried in a Bug Out SHTF Survival Cache Over a Year Ago

Digging Up a Rifle Buried in a Bug Out SHTF Survival Cache Over a Year Ago

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Publish Date:
18 April, 2023
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Digging Up a Rifle Buried in a Bug Out SHTF Survival Cache Over a Year Ago

Over a year before this video I buried a rifle in the ground with just some basic prep. I have been placing some buried caches at various places on the route to my bug out location. The idea for the caches is to have survival supplies cached in strategic locations that I could access in the event of an SHTF or other disaster situation that forced me to bug out. I've been experimenting with various levels of preparation for the caches trying to find the best way to prepare and place them with the minimal amount of effort.

In this video I dig up a rifle to see what kind of condition it is in after being buried in the ground for over a year.

Coyote Works