How much ammo for SHTF? Prepper Minuteman Militia Discussion

How much ammo for SHTF? Prepper Minuteman Militia Discussion

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Today on Bear Independent we're discussing how much ammo for SHTF; This is an important topic for preppers, militia, and minuteman for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI. Ammo is a finite resource, and there is no resupply. The advice given here is the same advice we give our clients at ProsperReady.

How much ammo for SHTF is a question that plaques city prepper, urban prepper, suburban prepper, rural prepper, homesteader, militia, minuteman, and others for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI, The problem is that most people don't understand the difference between operational loadout and stockpile. We recommend benchmarks for loadout and stockpiling ammo in this video, and recommendations on how many mags too.

How much ammo for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI is an important topic of discussion for prepper, minuteman, and militia especially in light of emp, cme, economic collapse, civil unrest, martial law, state of emergency, civil war, revolution, chaos, etc. Any of these issues can become a combat situation for preppers and that begs the question of how much ammo for SHTF.

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